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Stock Information

Shareholder Information / Composition

Stock Condition (as of Sep. 30th, 2024)

Number of authorized shares 240,000,000
Total number of shares issued 84,568,424
Number of shareholders 6,385

(Note) At the board of directors meeting held on July 31st, 2020, FP Corporation resolved to split one common share into two shares as of October 1st, 2020, and FP Corporation’s articles of incorporation were amended accordingly.

Status of Major Shareholders (Top Ten)

Shareholder NameNumber of Shares Held (in Thousands)Percentage of Shares Held (%)
Komatsu Yasuhiro Kosan, Ltd. 28,778 35.59
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account)



Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust account) 5,103 6.31
Sekisui Kasei Co., Ltd. 2,865 3.54
The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd. 1,760 2.18

FPCO Kyoei-kai

1,624 2.01
GOVERNMENT OF NORWAY (Standing proxy: Citibank N.A., Tokyo Branch) 1,385 1.71

The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Retirement trust account of Sekisui Kasei Co., Ltd.)

1,200 1.48

The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (Standing Proxy: Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd.)

1,102 1.36
FPCO Employee Stock Ownership Community 1,071 1.32


  • Number of shares held is rounded down to the nearest thousand.
  • Percentage of shares held is calculated after subtracting the number of shares treated as treasury stock (3,717,694).

General Meeting of Shareholders

● Breakdown of Shareholder Types

 Breakdown of Shareholder Types graph

Shareholder Notes

Fiscal year April 1 - March 31
Fixed date for shareholders' receipt of term-end dividends March 31
Fixed date for shareholders' receipt of interim dividends Sept. 30
Annual shareholders meeting Held every June
Financial institution charged with administering the shareholder register supervising the special account for non-JASDEC securities Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Address and contact details of institution Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Stock Transfer Agency Department, Osaka Branch Fushimi-machi 3-6-3, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 541-8502
TEL 0120-094-777 (Toll free from Japan)
Stock listings Tokyo Stock Exchange
Method of notification Online at
(Should we be unable to post notifications online due to an accident or another reason, we will post notifications in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper.)


  • 1. With regard to changes to addresses or names, requests to newly purchase or purchase more shares in amounts less than single units, or changes to the method by which dividends are received, please contact the brokerage firm with whom you are conducting business.
    2. For any procedures related to shares registered to a particular account, please contact the organization responsible for managing the account. Note that such procedures can also be passed on by any branch of the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank.
    3. With regard to unpaid dividends, they can be collected at the head office or any branch of the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust Bank.

Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Securities Code: 7947


Share price information is only provided via a link from this Web site.
FP Corporation takes no responsibility for decisions made based on this information.

The link to share price information is provided solely to offer information that can be used as reference for making investment decisions, and is not intended to encourage investing in FP Corporation.
The final decision for making investments is entirely up to the user.

Credit Rating

Rating AgencyRatingShort-term RatingAnnouncement Date
Rating and Investment Information, Inc. A a‐1 Feb. 14. 2023