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食品トレー容器のエフピコ > English > ESG > Governance Initiatives

Governance Initiatives

FP Corporation’s basic stance on corporate governance is to ensure the transparency and fairness of decision-making, and to make effective use of the management resources it possesses, such as personnel, goods, money and information. We also aim for continuous growth and the long-term increase in corporate value through swift and bold decision-making.

To achieve these aims, we have put forward the following five basic policies.

  • (1) Ensure shareholders’ rights and equality among them
  • (2) Work together appropriately with stakeholders other than shareholders
  • (3) Properly disclose information to ensure transparency
  • (4) Fulfill the roles of the Board of Directors and other organs
  • (5) Hold dialogue with shareholders
Organizational Management

Organizational Management

With the aim of achieving continuous growth and increasing corporate value over the medium and long terms, and in striving to enhance corporate governance by improving the speed of management decision-making and strengthening functions to audit and oversee directors in their business execution, FP Corporation has opted to become a company with an Audit and Supervisory Committee. The Audit and Supervisory Committee, a majority of whose members are outside directors, plays a management oversight role and strives to achieve highly transparent management. 

Corporate Governance Report(June 2022. In Japanese only.)(168KB)

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To establish corporate ethics and promote legal compliance, the FPCO Group has established a Judicial Affairs & Compliance Department that reports directly to the President. The Group has established and is implementing the FPCO Group Action Charter, FPCO Normative Rules for Compliance and the Compass for Action; and is working to foster a sound and healthy corporate culture and to ensure compliance with internal regulations through rigorous guidance and instruction.

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Risk Management

Risk Management

FP Corporation has implemented measures to deal with natural disasters of unprecedented magnitude, such as the earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and large snowfalls that have frequently occurred in recent years, and to respond to the accidents that can occur along with them.
All employees carry a “Disaster Handbook,” and in the event of a disaster, a safety confirmation system is activated.
Emergency equipment such as helmets and evacuation supplies are in place at each workplace, and we also implement non-structural measures such as having employees become familiar with the orientation of the workplace to prevent human-initiated accidents.

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Relations with Shareholders

FPCO recognizes the importance of engaging proactively in constructive dialogues with shareholders, reflecting the opinions and wishes of shareholders in its management activities, and working towards the growth of the company together with them; in order to achieve sustainable growth and contribute to the improvement of medium to long-term corporate value.

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