Creating a comfortable dietary life through food tray containers

Company History

1960s and 1970s

1962July Fukuyama Pearl Paper Manufacturing Corporation established. Headquarters established in Kasumi-cho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima. Foamed PS thermoforming launched.
1968March Headquarters moved to the present site in Akebono-cho, Fukuyama-shi due to growth in business.
1971January Manufacturing of wooden-look containers launched.
1972April Fukuyama Distribution Center established.
1975September General packaging supply retail chain store "Modern Pack" established in Fukuyama-shi.
1976June First Pearl Fair (currently FPCO Fair) exhibition held, featuring the company's products.
1979July FP Logistics Corporation established to reinforce delivery system.
  • 本社事務所及び第一成形工場遠景

    View of headquarter offices and Dai-Ichi thermoforming plant


1980January Fukuyama Distribution Center established to streamline and increase the efficiency of distribution.
Problems with the disposal of trays leads to early launch of tray collection program.
1981June Manufacturing and selling of color food containers commences in response to the trend of treating food receptacles as merchandise.
1982March Design-located-molding technology developed for manufacturing of high-quality food containers.
1983April Tokyo Branch established.
October Large-scale host computer installed to launch EDI (electronic data interchange) system for placing and receiving orders. Foamed PS microwaveable containers developed.
1984May Founder Yasuhiro Komatsu elected chairman of the Polystyrene Thermoforming Industry Association (Japan).
1985January Tokyo Distribution Center established.
February Pearl Fair held for the first time in Tokyo. Osaka Branch established in Yodogawa-ku, Osaka (relocated to Toyonaka-shi, Osaka in May 1996).
June Pearl Fair held for the first time in Osaka.
1987January Fully integrated production of solid food containers, from sheet production to thermoforming, launched.
April FP Trading Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary, established.
September Kasaoka Plant in Okayama established to drastically reduce man-hours.
December Use of CFC-utilizing foamed PS discontinued.
1988March Technology-sharing agreement formed with Holden Limited, South Africa, through Keyes Fiber, U.S.A.
Kanto Distribution Center established.
December Founder Yasuhiro Komatsu attends an FPI (Foodservice & Packaging Institute, Inc.) general conference held in Washington, delivering a speech on global environment issues.
1989January CI introduced. Corporate name changed to FP Corporation.
July Chubu Distribution Center established.
November Company is listed on the Hiroshima Stock Exchange.
  • カラー食品容器の販売開始

    Selling of color food containers commences

  • 広島証券取引所に初上場

    Company is newly listed on the Hiroshima Stock Exchange


1990September FP Corporation starts its recycling program.
December Tohoku Distribution Center established.
1991February Listed in the Second Section of the Osaka Stock Exchange.
May Kyushu Distribution Center established.
1992March Start selling Eco Tray.
July First municipal tray recollection movement commences through joint venture with Tottori City.
December Technology-sharing agreement formed with Linpac Plastics International, U.K.
1993February Fukuyama Recycling Plant in Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima goes into operation.
March Received Chairman's Award in the Clean Japan Center-sponsored Award Program for Companies Contributing to the Reuse of Resources.
1994October Kansai Distribution Center established.
1995April All distribution operations transferred to FP Logistics Corporation.
1996April 22nd annual FPCO Fair 96 held in Tokyo.
June Tokai Distribution Center established.
October Received the Minister of International Trade and Industry Award from the Recycling Promotion Council in the Award Program for Achievement in Promoting Recycling.
November Developed Crystar, a transparent container made from a new type of material.
1997January Company website set up.
May Founder Yasuhiro Komatsu awarded Medal with Blue Ribbon.
August HMR Top Seminar held.
December Developed Exstar container using new type of material and established Fukuyama Plantin in Fukuyama-shi to facilitate fully integrated production.
1998August Automatic material-screening machine installed at Recycling Plants.
October New warehouse completed for Fukuyama Distribution Center.
1999February Founder Yasuhiro Komatsu awarded the 19th Mainichi Business Leaders Award.
April Commenced catalog sales through FPCO Modern Pack Co., Ltd.
Three factories at two sites (Kasaoka Plant, Fukuyama Plant, Fukuyama Recycling Plant) receive ISO14001 certification.
October Received the Prime Minister's Award from the Recycling Promotion Council in the Award Program for Achievement in Promoting Recycling.
Developed Histar container using a new type of material.
  • 世界初となるエコトレーを販売

    Eco Tray released, a world first

  • 「第19回毎日経済人賞」を受賞

    The 19th Mainichi Business Leaders Award

  • リサイクル推進功労者等表彰にて「内閣総理大臣賞」を受賞

    The Prime Minister's Award


2000January Established Ducks Shikoku Co. headquarters and plant in Kochi.
Established MAPS (Modified Atmosphere Packaging System) Design Center in Fukuyama-shi and commenced experiments.
March Listed in the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
March Kanto Tsukuba Plant in Shimotsuma-shi, Ibaraki begins operations.
May Internet and CD-ROM based mail-order sales commenced by FPCO Modern Pack Co., Ltd.
Eco Tray registered as a trademark (No. 4387266).
July Kanto Shimodate Plant begins operations in Chikusei-shi, Ibaraki.
October Kinki Kameoka Plant begins operations in Kameoka-shi, Kyoto.
November Kanto Recycling Plant begins operations in Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki.
2001May Exclusive domestic sales agreement formed with Enterline Co. Ltd., Korea, for Enterpack (automatic one-touch heat sealing machines).
September Specialized sorting equipment for transparent lids installed at Fukuyama Recycling Plant.
November Fukuyama/Tokyo double head office system started, with Tokyo Branch upgraded to Tokyo Headquarters.
Kitchen Studio opened at Tokyo Headquarters.
2002February Sponsored and initiated reorganization procedures for two reconstructed corporations, Chupa Co., Ltd. and Packdor Co.
2003February Kanto Recycling Plant receives ISO14001 certification.
March Eco Tray recognized as an Eco product by Okayama Prefecture.
Reorganization of Packdor Co. (now FPCO Yamagata, Ltd., a consolidated subsidiary) completed.
May Eco Tray recognized as a waste recycling product by Saga Prefecture.
June Eco Tray recognized as a waste recycling product by Gifu Prefecture.
July Yamagata Plant begins operations in Sagae-shi, Yamagata.
East Japan Hub Center completed (current name: Kanto Daiichi Center).
October Eco Tray recognized as a product using recycled resources by Miyagi Prefecture.
November FP Corporation recycling method receives the Business Activities Division Award at the Wastech Award 2003.
Recycling plants receive their 200,000th visitor.
2004March Eastern Japan Sample Center in Bando-shi, Ibaraki and Western Japan Sample Center in Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima established.
Eco Tray registered as a recycled product in the Recycled Product Registration System in Hiroshima Prefecture.
May Tohoku Distribution Center in Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi annexed to Yamagata Plant in Sagae-shi, Yamagata.
December Ready-made foods store “Cook Labo” established on second floor of Tokyo Headquarters for research and development of containers and foods used for takeout meals.
Tray-to-Tray registered as a trademark in categories #20 and #40 (No. 4322974).
2005April CO2 Management Committee established.
May Eco Tray registered as a trademark in category #40 (No. 4864115).
Reorganization of Chupa Co., Ltd. (now FP CHUPA Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary) completed.
August Kasaoka Plant recognized as Eco Business by Okayama Prefecture.
September Presented with the Global 100 Eco-Tech Award by the Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition and Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. at Expo 2005 Aichi Japan.
Listed in the First Section of the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchanges.
November Kasaoka Plant receives ISO9001 certification.
2006March Kanto Shimodate Plant receives ISO9001 certification.
Volume of trays recovered reaches 550 tons per month.
April 5-year Environmental Operation Plan commences.
June Kinki Kameoka Plant receives ISO9001 certification.
Sample Reception Center begins operations.
August FP Logistics Corporation receives "Green Management Approval".
Special case subsidiary Ducks Saga Co. established.
September Ducks Shikoku Co. receives Presidents Award from the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers (JEED).
October Hiroshima Ai Pack Co. established with the goal of being certified as Workplace Offering Type A Continuous Employment Support in accordance with the Act for Supporting the Independence of Persons with Disabilities. (Acquired by FPCO Ai Pack Co. in Jan. 2009)
December Founded Komatsu Ikueikai scholarship.
Hiroshima Ai Pack Co. (now FPCO Ai Pack Co.) becomes the first private company in the country to be designated as a welfare service business for persons with disabilities.
2007February Kanto Shimodate Daini Plant begins operations in Chikusei-shi, Ibaraki.
March Fukuyama Ai Pack Co. established with the goal of being certified as Workplace Offering Type A Continuous Employment Support. (Name changed to FPCO Ai Pack Co. in April)
April Received the Award for Excellence in the products section of the prize of minister of the environment of containers and packaging 3R.
August FPCO Ai Pack Co. Saga Plant begins operations in Kanzaki-shi, Saga.
FPCO Yachiyo Center (current name: Kanto Daini Center) begins operations.
September FPCO Ai Pack Co. Gifu Plant in Wanouchi-cho, Gifu begins operations.
FPCO Ai Pack Co. Ibaraki Plant in Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki begins operations.
Chubu Plant Ⅱ completed in Yachiyo-cho, Gifu.
October FPCO Ai Pack Co. Nishinomiya Plant, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, begins operations.
FPCO Ai Pack Co. Yamagata Plant in Sagae-shi, Yamagata begins operations.
November Founded Komatsu Shogaku scholarship.
December New head office building completed in Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima.
2008August Received the Chugoku New Office Promotion Award at the 21st Best of New Offices Awards hosted by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Company and the New Office Promotion Association.
Ibaraki Screening Center commences operations for sorting transparent containers.
October Kyushu Daini Plant completed in Yoshinogari-cho, Saga.
November Hokkaido Distribution Center completed in Ishikari-shi, Hokkaido.
2009January Fukuyama Sorting Plant commences operations in Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima.
March FPCO Ai Pack Co.'s Hokkaido Plant begins operations in Ishikari-shi, Hokkaido.
Honored with the first-ever Fukuyama Environment Award in the Business Category.
Received the Heartful Ribbon Mark from the Japan Association of Employers of Persons with Severe Disabilities for excelling in the employment of disabled persons.
May West Kanto Picking Center begins operations in Machida-shi, Tokyo.
June FP CHUPA Corporation, a consolidated subsidiary, acquires packaging division from Taiyo-Kogyo Corp.
Received the 11th Kigyoka Prize.
September New washing line introduced at Fukuyama Recycling Plant.
October Acquired Nippon Pearl Containers Co. from Toyama Yoseisha Co.
  • エンターパック


  • 工場見学者数200,000人突破

    Recycling plants receive their 200,000th visitor

  • ウエステック大賞事業活動部門賞受賞

    Business Activities Division Award at the Wastech Award

  • 「容器包装3R推進環境大臣賞」 製品部門 最優秀賞受賞

    The Award for Excellence in the products section of the prize of minister of the environment of containers and packaging 3R

  • 第21回日経ニューオフィス推進賞

    The 21st Best of New Offices Awards hosted by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Company

  • 就業継続支援A型

    Type A Continuous Employment Support


2010March Renewed website (URL:
Eco Tray certified as a recycled product by Ibaraki Prefecture.
April Packing materials and other production supply business transferred from Yuka Shoji Co., Ltd.
Tokai Sorting Plant begins operations in Nagaizumi-cho, Shizuoka.
June The Shin-Fukuyama Picking Center opens.
ALRight Inc. (currently FPCO ALRight Co. Ltd.), a manufacturer and printer of films and cardboard boxes, becomes a consolidated subsidiary.
September Saga Sorting Plant begins operations in Kanzaki-shi, Saga.
October International Package Co., Ltd. (currently FPCO International Package Co., Ltd.), becomes a consolidated subsidiary.
Yamagata Sorting Plant begins operations in Sagae-shi, Yamagata.
Hokkaido Sorting Plant begins operations in Ishikari-shi, Hokkaido.
Recycling plants receive their 300,000th visitor.
November PET mechanical recycling plant installed at Chubu Recycling Plant.
December Dia Foods Co., Ltd. (currently FPCO Dia Foods Co., Ltd.), becomes a consolidated subsidiary.
Japan Hi-pack Co., Ltd. (currently FPCO Chikusei Co.), becomes a consolidated subsidiary.
2011February The FPCO Tray to Tray (TM) recycling method received the Gold Prize at Eco Mark Awards 2010 (sponsored by Japan Environment Association).
Founder Yasuhiro Komatsu received the Ninth Shibusawa Eiichi Award.

Certified as "Eco-First Company" by Ministry of the Environment.

I-Logic Co. Chubu Picking Center and Chubu Dai-Ni Distribution Center begin operations in Wanouchi-cho, Gifu.


Recycled PET flake manufactured by the PET mechanical recycling plant at Chubu Recycling Plant received FDA-NOL.

September FPCO Ai Pack Co.'s Hiroshima Plant received award for excellent workers with disabilities from the Japan Organization for Employment of the Elderly, Persons with Disabilities and Job Seekers
October Eco Tray recognized as a recycled product by Yamagata Prefecture.
December FP Corporation and FP Logistics Corporation received eco-ship modal shift excellence company award from Maritime Bureau of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
2012February Eco Tray is recognized as a recycled product by Hokkaido Prefecture.
April Kanto Yachiyo Plant and I-Logic Co.,Ltd. Kanto Picking Center are completed in Yachiyo-machi, Ibaraki.
May Recycled PET container "FPCO ECO APET", which received Eco Mark certification from the Japan Environment Association, is released.
June PET mechanical recycling plant No. 2 is installed at Chubu Recycling Plant.
November The world's first bi-axially oriented PET container product is released.
2013April Ishida Shouten Co., Ltd. (currently FPCO Ishida Co., Ltd.), changes from an affiliate not accounted for by the equity method into a consolidated subsidiary.
Acquired the naming rights for commercial building "FP Corp. RiM".

The Osaka branch is relocated to Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka.


Kyushu Daini Distribution Center begins operations in Kanzaki-shi, Saga.


Kansai Daiichi Distribution Center begins operations in Kobe-shi, Hyogo.

November Yasuhiro Komatsu, founder of the company, is honored with the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star.
Construction on Hachioji Distribution Center begins in Hachiojo-shi, Tokyo.

Nishinihon PET Bottle Recycle Co., Ltd., which recycles resins from used PET products, is reorganized into a consolidated subsidiary.


Fukuyama Cross Dock Center begins operations in Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima.


Miyako Himo Co. (currently FP Miyako Himo Co.) becomes a consolidated subsidiary.

November FP Modern Pack Co.,Ltd. merges with FP Trading Co., Ltd.
The Hachioji Distribution Center begins operations in Hachioji-shi, Tokyo.

FPCO Comprehensive Research Institute and Human Resources Development and Training Center (Fukuyama, Hiroshima) are completed.

2015    March

FP Corporation is selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under the Diversity Management Selection 100.


FP Corporation is selected as one of the Competitive IT Strategy Companies by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.


The FPCO Comprehensive Research Institute wins a prize from the Director-General of the Chugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry in the 28th Nikkei New Office Award organized by Nikkei Inc. and the New Office Promotion Association.

September Expansion of the Hachioji Distribution Center is finished. 
November FP Corporation wins a prize of excellence in the category of product and technology development in the Sixth Monozukuri Nippon Grand Awards organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
December The number of participants in plant tours reaches 400,000.

The Chubu Eco PET Plant begins operation as a base of integrated production covering processes from recycling of PET bottles to production of the Eco APET containers.

FP Corporation’s founder Yasuhiro Komatsu is recognized as an honorary citizen of Fukuyama City.

June FP Corporation is selected as one of the Competitive IT Strategy Companies by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange for two consecutive years.
July Ueda Hoso Co. (currently FPCO UEDA Co.) becomes a consolidated subsidiary of FP Corporation.

Four special subsidiary companies (Ducks, Ducks Shikoku, Ducks Saga and Ibaraki Pigeon recycle) marge and become FPCO Ducks.

Business transfer from FPCO Ai Pack Hokkaido Plant to FPCO Ducks takes place.

Pico House No. 1, a company dormitory, completed in Chikusei, Ibaragi.

April Pico House No. 2, a company dormitory, completed in Anpachi, Gifu.
October The Kanto Eco PET Plant begins operation
  • 「トレーtoトレー」リサイクルが、第1回「エコマークアワード2010」金賞を受賞

    The Gold Prize at Eco Mark Awards 2010

  • エコファースト企業」として認定

    Certified as "Eco-First Company"

  • 中部リサイクル工場のPETメカニカルリサイクルプラント

    The PET mechanical recycling plant at Chubu Recycling Plant

  • 福山クロスドックセンター

    Fukuyama Cross Dock Center