Creating a comfortable dietary life through food tray containers


FPCO’s Board of Directors adopts a policy of action with the highest priority on compliance, and has therefore established the FPCO Group Action Charter, which sets guidelines on how employees should act and behave, and the FPCO Normative Rules for Compliance, established in accordance with the spirit of the Charter.
The department reports on the status of compliance observance as appropriate during information exchange sessions with directors, executive officers and the representatives of Group companies and also conducts reviews.
With regard to the Group’s compliance initiatives, the Judicial Affairs & Compliance Department conducts compliance-related education and training on an inter-divisional, Group-wide scale, and seeks to instill the FPCO Normative Rules for Compliance in Group employees to ensure that they act with compliance as their top priority.
To ensure thorough compliance within the Group, the Internal Audit Department (which is independent from the Group’s operating divisions and reports directly to the president) conducts an internal audit once every two years. In this way, the Group has constructed an organizational structure that monitors the state of risk management and compliance in the operating divisions, and makes requests for improvement as needed.

FP Corporation Action Charter

We must comply with all laws, agreements, and company regulations as dictated by FP Corporation’s management principles. With high ethical standards and a sense of decency, we strive to:

  1. Provide useful products, information and services to society and strive to gain and satisfy the trust of consumers and customers.
  2. Contribute to the development of culinary culture by developing and providing products that show consideration for safety, consumer confidence and the environment.
  3. Obtain the cooperation of consumers and customers to actively implement FPCO Method recycling (i.e. Tray to Tray and Bottle to Tray), perform extended producer responsibilities, and protect the global environment.
  4. Compete fairly, transparently, and freely in all our business activities.
  5. Communicate in multiple ways with our shareholders and product users and actively promote the fair disclosure of company information.
  6. Respect human rights and personalities and provide a safe workplace environment that facilities working.
  7. Maintain sound and normal relations with the national government, local governments, and suppliers, and do not tolerate or give in to inappropriate or illegal demands of antisocial forces or organizations that trouble or threaten civil society.
  8. Actively contribute to society as a good corporate citizen.
  9. Observe the laws of each country where FP Corporation business is conducted, and respect its culture and customs.
  10. Evaluate all management efforts for effectiveness and increase corporate value through streamlining and greater efficiency.
  11. Work together to solve problems, determine their causes and prevent them from recurring if any event in violation of this Action Charter occurs.

Compass for Action

To raise awareness of compliance issues among individual FP Corporation Group employees and to urge them to take responsible actions, the Compass for Action is displayed where they can view it at any time.

Compass for Action

Are you sure that your actions do not violate any laws?

Are you sure that your actions do not go against company policy?

Are you sure that your actions do not go against the common sense or thinking of society?

Are you sure that your actions do not go against your own conscience?

Are you sure that your actions do not damage the FPCO brand?

Status of Operation Concerning Compliance

The FPCO Group Action Charter, which indicators how employees should act, and the FP Corporation Code of Conduct, which is consistent with the spirit of the Charter, are posted to the Group intranet and made available to employees whenever needed. In addition, the Company strives to foster and awareness of compliance and have it take root by conducting group compliance training and periodically providing information to encourage caution with regard to compliance.
The Company also works to quickly discover improper conduct and implement corrective action, and has established Workplace Consultation Desk Regulations with the aim of helping to bolster its compliance system. In addition to setting up an internal reporting desk, the Company has also established a law office as an external helpline, reflecting its commitment to strengthening, maintaining and operating a whistleblowing system. Provisions have been established to ensure that a person seeking consultation is not dismissed or subjected to any disadvantage treatment for having reported something, and every care is taken to safeguard a person's privacy during such consultations.
When a consultation regarding suspected improper conduct has been filed, after quickly investigating the details of the report, prompt measures are taken to correct and prevent repeat occurrences of any improper conduct, and the matters is also reported to the Board of Directors, illustrating how the Company has built an appropriate system to handle internal reports.



Consultation / Inquiry


The FPCO Group has established workplace consultation desks as a point of contact for consultations when its employees are affected by sexual harassment, abuses of power, problems in the workplace and other worries and concerns.
In addition to these internal workplace consultation desks, the Group has also established an external helpline at its attorney’s office, and is working to quickly discover and rectify legal violations and other compliance-related problems.
We are seeking to create an environment in which employees can consult freely with peace of mind, and consultees are guaranteed fairness and strict privacy in the handling of consultations. The operational status of workplace consultation desks is reported regularly to Corporate Management Committee, and any problems are shared.
The FPCO website also provides a contact form that enables members of the general public to make inquiries, and responds to consultations from persons other than employees.